Ethics and Compliance Applus+
At Applus+, we are convinced that the use of principles and value-driven management practises achieve more efficient and competitive results, thereby ensuring profitable and sustainable growth.

The Applus+ corporate reputation is one of our group's most valuable assets and a key component in service developments. Impartiality, independence and integrity are therefore the cornerstones of our Code of Ethics.
All of these values are shared and endorsed by our team, so reinforcing our group's unity and cohesion.
The Applus + Code of Ethics, together with the rest of the Group's Compliance Management System policies, is supported by an extensive implementation program to ensure that all employees and directors are familiar with the internal policies and procedures, and all requirements are effectively met.
If you wish to report a suspected violation of the Code or to obtain advice on doing so, you can send your report or query through our communication channel.