Equality, diversity and inclusion
Commitment and excellence Applus+
Innovating in Diversity and Inclusion for organizational success

For Applus+ our human capital is the most important asset, thanks to which we can innovate, respond to the needs of our clients and maintain our prestige of excellence in services. Within the Company we promote a people-centered culture, fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment that enhances the success and development of each individual.
All the people who are part of Applus+ are unique and we want them to contribute the best of themselves. We are committed to being a reflection of a diverse society, raising awareness and promoting a change in attitude towards stereotypes. To this end, we have launched a Diversity and Inclusion project with the aim of ensuring that our workforce grows and maintains diversity of gender, abilities and culture.
The Diversity and Inclusion project is based on the following values:
Commitment to creating an inclusive environment. To do this we have the commitment of the management and the entire Applus+ staff, because together we exceed the standards set that allow us to continue being leaders in the ICT sector.
Inspiration to continue improving, innovating and collaborating with those we have around us. Our leaders drive inclusive behavior through their example.
This project is based on our Diversity and Equality Policy, the purpose of which is to describe the general principles of action in this matter and establish the framework of action assumed by the Group.Likewise, different initiatives have been developed based on these values and the principles of clarity, simplicity, naturalness and inclusivity by which our business culture is governed. This social work of Applus+ was recognized by the United Nations Global Compact through the “Without limits” project, an initiative that consists of the incorporation of people with intellectual disabilities in all divisions of the group.
Applus+ has also assumed a firm commitment in favor of equal rights and opportunities between women and men, a commitment that has been materialized for years in the development of measures through our policies and procedures in the Equality Plans and Human Resources policies of all the countries in which we operate, as well as our adherence to the 7 WEP principles, the UN Principles of Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.
We have developed an equality model not only aimed at the implementation of isolated measures but forming part of our organizational culture, based on respect for people and included in our Code of Ethics and our Diversity and Equality policy.
One of the actions of which we are especially proud are the Diversity and Equality Councils, a meeting place to establish, implement and maintain the processes necessary for the operation of the Conciliation and Equality measures and policies, as well as to Ensure awareness about the commitment and co-responsibility of the company and its employees to promote the reconciliation of personal and work life at all levels of the organization.