MOT Stations
Select your Autonomous community
From our extensive network of fixed and mobile stations, choose the one that is closest to you. Our highly qualified staff are here to offer you a hassle-free MOT test, with extended opening hours.
Itinerario unidades móviles
Vehículos Agrícolas y Motocicletas

Segunda Inspección ITV desfavorable

Gestiona tu Reforma ITV

Área Portal Clientes ITV
Request your MOT appointment online now
ITV Castilla - La Mancha
ITV Galicia
ITV Cataluña
ITV Madrid
ITV Euskadi
Would you like to discover our
ITV stations from within?
In this 360º video you can move around an Applus+ ITV station as if you were already there. Discover the different areas and the technology we use to evaluate the elements subject to inspection. Do not forget to request an ITV appointment to pass the review at the ITV Applus+ station that best suits you.
See you soon in person!