Prices MOT Applus+
View the MOT prices for your Autonomous Community

Nuestros precios ITV
La ITV es la inspección que deben pasar los vehículos para comprobar su estado general sus elementos de seguridad.
La frecuencia con la que deben pasar la ITV varía según el tipo de vehículo y su antigüedad.
Los precios ITV, por su parte, son diferentes en función del tipo de vehículo y de la comunidad autónoma donde se vaya a pasar la ITV.

MOT Aragon price

MOT Catalonia price

MOT Canary Islands price

MOT Castilla - La Mancha price

MOT Basque Country price

MOT Madrid price
Documentation necessary for the MOT
We want to remind you of the mandatory documentation to be able to pass the inspection at the ITV stations.
Car data sheet
This document is like the DNI of the vehicle, since both the data of the vehicle and the owner appear in it.
Circulation permit
This is the document that collects all the information about the vehicle, namely: brand, model, license plate, registration date, cylinder capacity, number of seats, etc...
Obligatory insurance
Although it can be consulted electronically, it does not hurt to always carry the last receipt paid in the vehicle.
Driver's ID
The document that identifies the driver who takes the vehicle to the ITV station, who does not have to be its owner.

ITV Express
If you want to avoid crowds and unnecessary waiting, you can make an appointment online and on our Applus page.

If you want to avoid crowds and unnecessary waiting, you can make an appointment online and on our Applus page.

ITV Blog
The Applus+ Iteuve blog is an excellent source of information to stay up to date with the latest trends in vehicle technical inspection.